Davis, V. (Ed.), 2015a. Stonechat: The e-Newsletter of the Implement Petrology Group. Volume 3. pp 46

  • Editorial
  • National Importance Programme: lithic sites assessment 7046: The Neolithic Axe Factories of Great Langdale and Scafell Pike: Oxford Archaeology North.
  • A critical review of Group VI stone artefacts: fact and opinion: Vin Davis
  • Field visit to a stone tool quarry and manufacture site at Tranmore, near Monvoy, Co. Waterford, Ireland: Vin Davis
  • Cobblestone mining tools in prehistoric metal mining: Simon Timberlake
  • Some thoughts on making replica Neolithic ground axe heads: Jack Grasse
  • New evidence for the authenticity of Group XXVI stone tools: Vin Davis
  • The EBA “perforated axe” from Lingbar Hill barrow near Hellifield, North Yorkshire: Tom Lord
  • Neolithic pottery and (Group IX) lithics from a site on the North-East coast of Anglesey: Frances Lynch
  • The cost of scholarship: Gill Varndell
  • Newly identified Neolithic monuments in the north of England and their implications for Neolithic lithic studies: Yvonne Luke
  • The Implement Petrology Workshop, York, 11th January 2015: Mik Markham and Vin Davis
  • News on JADE2: Alison Sheridan and Pierre Pétrequin