Davis, V. (Ed.), 2014b. Stonechat: The e-Newsletter of the Implement Petrology Group, Volume 2. pp 18. 


  1. Editorial
  2. The Brittany Experience: May 2014
    1. Vin Davis — Charles-Tanguy Le Roux – a Blast from the Past
    2. Katherine Walker — Breton Axeheads in Neolithic Britain
    3. Petrus Petrequin — Les Haches a Pan axes
  3. The Shetland Felsite Project (SFP) Season June 2014
    1. Vin Davis — Roy Ritchie: a Blast from the Past
    2. Mik Markham — Geology, Petrography and Geochemistry – a progress report
    3. Public engagement in SFP Roadshow and Workshops in Lerwick and Ollenberry
  4. Peter Cherry and Vin Davis — Local Source Suspected for ‘Exotic’ Artefact Rock.