The Implement Petrology Group

Archaeological Data Service

Antiquity Journal

Association pour la Promotion des Recherches sur l’Age du Bronze

Current Archaeology

British Archaeology

British Geological Survey

Council for British Archaeology

European Association of Archaeologists

Heritage Gateway

Internet Archaeology

Journal of Neolithic Archaeology

Journal of Petrology

Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology

La Société Préhistorique Française

Lithic Studies Society

Lithic Studies Journal

Lithic Technology Journal

Lithoscapes Archaeological Research

Mesolithic Miscellany

Mineralogy and Petrology (Journal)

Neolithic Miscellany

Neolithic Studies Group

Open Quaternary

Petrology (Journal)

Quaternary International

Quaternary Research Association

Quaternary Science Review (Journal)

Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland

Society of Antiquaries of Scotland

The Geological Society

The Prehistoric Society